Medcara, LLC.

Instructions for Electronic Prescribing


  1. Drug Field: select either component of WartPeel as the drug (5-fluorouracil or salicylic acid). Any dosage form is acceptable (powder, cream etc)
  2. Sig or comment field: type “WartPeel in Remedium” .  Be sure to include Remedium which is a sustained release adhesive gel patented and produced exclusively by NuCara Pharmacy. It MUST say Wartpeel in Remedium somewhere on the prescription to allow us to dispense the compounded product. 
  3. Sig: enter according to specific prescriber instructions or “use as directed per instruction sheet.”  A two-page standard instruction sheet is provided to each patient.  Please indicate whether you are treating warts, genital warts or seborrheic keratosis (SK) as occlusive tape is needed only for warts and will not be included for genital warts and seborrheic keratosis. 
  4. Quantity: 5 grams is the standard size and sufficient to treat most patients.  
  5. Include full patient demographics including a phone number so the patient can be contacted in a timely manner. 


See Example Below

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